About IHI

IHI is a partnership for health research and innovation between the EU and Europe’s life science industries.

ihi hero image
Mission and objectives

At IHI, our core goals are to translate health research and innovation into tangible benefits for patients and society, and ensure that Europe remains at the cutting edge of interdisciplinary, sustainable, patient-centric health research.

Research and innovation agenda
The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) details the areas IHI should work on and helps to guide IHI’s decisions on which ideas should be turned into call topics.


IHI funding model

IHI has a total budget of €2.4 billion and is funded jointly by the EU and by industry associations representing Europe’s life science industries.

Who we are

IHI's governance structure reflects our status as a public-private partnership, while ensuring that we benefit from the input of the wider scientific and health community as well as the Member States and countries associated to Horizon Europe.



IHI is expected to have impacts on the research and innovation ecosystem; on patients and health systems; and on Europe’s competitiveness. Projects funded under the Innovative Medicines Initiative already demonstrate the impacts of the public-private partnership approach to research.

IHI's roots go back to 2005, with the European Technology Platform on Innovative Medicines. Since then, the Innovative Medicines Initiative programmes IMI1 (2008-2013) and IMI2 (2014-2020) amply demonstrated the value and impact of a PPP in health.


From IMI to IHI
As we moved from IMI to IHI, why did we change, what changed, and what stayed the same?
Plans, reports and finances
All our annual Work Programmes and Consolidated Annual Activity Reports as well as our budgets and accounts.